Add Import/Export Candidates

Import Candidates are energy resources imported to the site. This may include, for instance, electricity from the electricity grid, gas from a gas grid, heat from a thermal network, or wood pellets. It also may include on-site energy resources like groundwater and geothermal heat, which are "imported" to the site from the ground. Solar resources are dealt with separately in the previous step.
Similarly, Export Candidates correspond to energy flows exported from the site. This may include, for instance, on-site generated electricity fed into the electricity grid or on-site generated gas or hydrogen fed into the gas grid.
→ Add New: Add a new import or export candidate to your scenario. In the box that appears, you must select the type of candidate (Import or Export), the corresponding energy carrier, and hubs to which import candidate may be imported (or from which the export candidate may be exported).
Tip: For each hub – energy carrier combination, only a single import or export candidate may be defined. If you wish to specify multiple import candidates for a given energy carrier (e.g. Electricity), you should define a second electricity energy carrier (e.g. named "Electricity 2") in the Energy Carriers step. You can then add a virtual technology (see the Supply Technologies step), which enables lossless/costless transformation of "Electricity 2" into "Electricity").
For each Import Candidate, multiple parameters can be specified. This includes:
→ Energy Price (CHF/kWh) – optional parameter, default value 0: The price per kWh of the imported energy carrier.
→ Fixed Price: Fixed hourly price.
→ Dynamic Tariff: Different prices per hour added with an Excel file. Theses hourly profiles are mapped respect to the typical days defined by the AI Clustered profiles.
→ Capacity Price (CHF/kW/Year) – optional parameter, default value 0: The price per kW to be applied based on the annual import peak.
→ Capacity Price (CHF/kW/Month) – optional parameter, default value 0: The price per kW to be applied based on the monthly import peaks.
→ Fixed O&M Price (CHF/year) – optional parameter, default value 0: A fixed price per year for operation and maintenance
→ CO2 Intensity (kg-CO2/kWh) – optional parameter, default value 0: The CO2 intensity of the imported energy carrier.
→ Fixed CO2: Fixed hourly CO2 Intensity.
→ Dynamic CO2: Different CO2 Intensity per hour added with an Excel file. Theses hourly profiles are mapped respect to the typical days defined by the AI Clustered profiles.
→ Total Annual Energy Available (kWh/Year) – optional parameter, default value infinity: The maximum available quantity of the import candidate which can be imported over the period of a year.
→ Maximum Hourly Energy Available (kWh/h) – optional parameter, default value infinity: The maximum quantity of the import candidate which can be imported in any given hour.
For each Export Candidate, the following parameters can be specified:
→ Capacity Price (CHF/kW/Year) – optional parameter, default value 0: The price per kW to be applied based on the annual export peak.
→ Capacity Price (CHF/kW/Month) – optional parameter, default value 0: The price per kW to be applied based on the monthly export peaks.
→ Energy Price (Revenue) (CHF/kWh) – optional parameter, default value 0: The revenue generated by the export of 1 kWh of the export candidate from the site. In the case of electricity, for instance, this would correspond to the feed-in-tariff.
→ Fixed Price: Fixed hourly price
→ Dynamic Tariff: Different hourly prices which can be added with an Excel file
→ Fixed O&M Price (CHF/year) – optional parameter, default value 0: A fixed price per year for operation and maintenance.
→ CO2 Compensation (kg-CO2/kWh) – optional parameter, default value 0: The CO2 savings generated by the export of 1 kWh of the export candidate from the site. The CO2 savings is deducted from the calculated CO2 emissions of the site in the optimization.