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Modeling Scenarios


Modeling Steps

Modeling a scenario is a guided process that takes you through several key steps. The scenario page is designed to guide you through each step, with dedicated tabs to simplify configuration of various aspects of your model. Each tab focuses on a specific element, allowing you to efficiently build your scenario step-by-step:

  1. General

  2. Hubs

  3. Energy Carriers

  4. Energy Demands

  5. On-site Resources

  6. Imports & Exports

  7. Conversion Technologies

  8. Storage Technologies

  9. Network Links



With the help of the interactive GIS map, explore the hub network. Following your selection of the hubs that interest you, the map presents comprehensive GIS information for every hub, along with the buildings that are connected to it.

Energy Hub Diagram


The energy hub diagram of your potential system can be seen at the bottom of each tab. The diagram is empty when you start a new project, but it will automatically update as you add components to your model. You can move between the various energy hub diagrams for each of your scenario's hubs and stages by choosing from the drop-down menu at the top.

The colors of the technologies in the energy hub diagram are determined by the primary output energy carrier of the technology.  These colors can be defined in the Energy Carriers Step.

Tip: The directions of the arrows in the energy hub diagram correspond to the direction of energy flows. For this reason, a reversed energy demand (e.g., a cooling demand) will be represented by an arrow flowing away from the box representing that demand. Storages are the only technologies with bidirectional flows.

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