How to Model Specific Technologies
Due to the software’s structure, Sympheny’s modelling allows for a very high flexibility. These guidelines are meant to showcase the standard way of modelling specific Technology Candidates. It also points out some common modelling pitfalls to avoid. If you are totally new to Sympheny, it is recommended that you take a look at our 30-min tutorial to understand the principle of the software and/or to our user-guide. You can also find further resources on our resource page.
When building up a system diagram, it should be kept in mind, that the energy balance must hold at every hour, for the solution to be feasible. This means for example, that when modelling a PV system, one should add an export of renewable electricity or that when modelling a system generating waste heat, this waste heat must be exported (or fully reused by another system).
This document is meant to stay as succinct as possible and as such is not a step-by-step tutorial. This means that some straightforward steps might not be indicated. For example, it is considered that all the energy carriers necessary in the examples are already defined. To define them, simply go under the ‘energy carrier’ tab and press ‘add new’. As a side note, keep in mind that the category of the energy carrier will defined its colour on the system diagram.

Figure 1 Defining a new energy carrier.
We are constantly improving our documentation. Do not hesitate to let us know if there were a specific technology that you would like to see integrated or if you have any comments by sending an e-mail to